Tuesday, April 10, 2012


39 weeks tomorrow!

I had a midwife appointment this week, things are going well. Baby's head is low in the pelvis and she is face down in a good position for delivery. I'm still doing all the at-home ripening techniques hoping for labor to start on its own. After my conversation with midwife, if baby Voorhies isn't making her arrival by her due date, next Wednesday, we will being the induction process. We will start with the least invasive methods and proceed from there. Either way, we are excited to know that we will be holding our baby girl in our arms next week!

The waiting has been a bit unsettling. As a "first-timer", every new ache or feeling puts me into guessing mode. Is this it?? Am I in labor?? Contractions are irregular and they start up for a few hours and then stop. I have menstrual type cramps and sometimes shooting pains down into my thighs. Things are definitely getting more uncomfortable. My back and feet hurt pretty much all the time. I'm still up and moving as much as possible. I try to get a good walk in everyday!

My weight has been dramatically increasing in the last two weeks. It has been pretty consistent through the whole pregnancy but in the last week alone, I have gained 4 pounds. That is a pretty big jump for me! I now officially weigh more than Rawley, which was a scary realization.

Belly button is still half in and no stretch marks so far. I seem to crave sugar like crazy right now! I also have to pee every 20 minutes, more frequently than that when I am standing up and walking around.

That's about all I have to update. We will just keep waiting as patiently as possible for this little lady to be born. I can't believe it is going to happen any day now!

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed following your blog Julia! We are excited for you and Rawley and will be thinking of you next week! Take care of yourself and the new baby. We can't wait to meet her!! I've really liked the format you used too. It was interesting to hear about the progress of the pregnancy and your stories and piccs. Sara
