Friday, April 6, 2012

38 Week Ultrasound

We went in for another growth ultrasound this week. My midwife felt it was a good idea to make sure baby is still growing because she had measured my belly the same size for the last 3 weeks.

Baby was a little grumpy as you can see from the scowl in the pictures but she looks great! They estimated 6 lbs, 11 oz. That is a little more that a pound increase from our last ultrasound 3 weeks ago. Baby is doing great. She must be really enjoying her warm, cozy home in there.

Hope you enjoy the pictures! Oh, I also asked the US tech about her nose because I keep thinking it looks so big and puffy. She said that the 3D ultrasounds always make the nose appear larger than it really is. Don't worry Rawley! There was no big nosed man in my past!

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