Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Watermelon Status- 37 weeks

37 Weeks

How big is baby: It is official! I have reached “watermelon status”. I remember laughing about this at the beginning of my pregnancy baffled that I would get to that size. She is now considered full term and ready to be born! Baby girl Voorhies can be anywhere between 19 -21 inches long and between 6 – 9 lbs when she is born. Babies gain about ½ an ounce a day at this stage. We figure based on our last ultrasound, she is roughly 6 1/4 lbs currently.
Pregnancy Symptoms: I am experiencing tightening and some cramps. I am also extremely tired! After a long day on my feet, I will notice swelling in my lower legs and feet but it usually goes away quickly when I rest. My stomach gets upset more easily and heartburn happens more often. Not much else to report!
Stretch marks: Still none to report.
Sleep: Now that I am done with work, I get to sleep later into the morning. My nighttime’s are pretty much the same though. I have to switch sides often and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. My stomach is pretty sore when I sit up in the morning.
Best moment of the week: Probably the best moment of the week has been having the time to get things organized and completed. Not having to wake up before dawn to go to work has also been nice.
Movement: Baby is super active and it is getting easier to tell how she is situated in there. She likes to stretch out and push her feet up against my side. I like to tickle at her feet. J
Food cravings: We seem to be regulars at Menchies Frozen Yogurt. There is a girl that works there that we happen to see almost every time we go. One of our visits this weekend, my yogurt ended up in my lap, on the floor of the car, and the parking lot. I was a mess. Rawley went back in to get napkins to clean me up but my biggest concern was that he would get me a new yogurt. It was a pretty funny pregnancy moment.
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: My fetal monitoring chart showed that I am having uterine cramps. I also have noticed some pains in my low abdomen, slightly higher than my pubic bone, which my midwife claims is probably cervical cramps. This could mean I am dilating which would be wonderful! Braxton hicks are happening more often.
Belly button: Still halfsie
What I miss: My energy.
What I am looking forward to: Holding this baby girl in my arms. I can’t wait!
On the to-do list: More acupuncture treatments and various cervical ripening techniques. I also have fetal monitoring again on Friday so I can check in and see how the baby is doing. At this point, we are all set to bring our baby home.
Milestones: Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.
Not much will change between now and the delivery so this will be my last structured weekly update. I will continue to send any new information or changes as they come up! Let’s turn this watermelon into a baby!

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