Thursday, March 8, 2012

34 Weeks-6 weeks to go!!

34 Weeks

How big is baby: She weighs about 4 ¾ pounds, which is the size of a cantaloupe, and is almost 18 inches long.

Pregnancy Symptoms: Things are definitely starting to slow down. I run out of breath very easily these days and I get tired quickly. Baby girl is settling down pretty low so she pushes on my bladder, especially when I am out walking. The water works are flowing as well. I wasn’t really emotional in the beginning of the pregnancy but now everything seems to set me off!

Maternity clothes: Duh!

Stretch marks: Still no sign of them but things are definitely stretching!

Sleep: Shifting my weight from one side to the other is really getting painful. Her body weight really pulls on me.  

Best moment of the week: We had a really nice meeting with our doulas this week. They are so great and warm. I especially love how special they make Rawley feel as part of this process. We had a few doctor’s appointments in the past where Rawley didn’t feel acknowledged, like he wasn’t even in the room. Our doulas, Karen and Melissa, are so opposite of that. They ask him questions and express how important he is and how the intimacy of our relationship is going to strengthen me during labor. They also help put me at ease as we approach the baby’s birth.    

Movement: She is so active! I think this may be the primary reason why she hasn’t settled into head-down position. She just keeps moving all over the place!

Food cravings: I know this is terrible, especially for a diabetic, but everything with sugar is sounding so good these last few days! I told Rawley is was probably a good thing I have diabetes otherwise I would be extremely obese. I could eat an entire box of sugary cereal and be really to keep eating some more.  

Food aversions: Still haven’t developed any strong aversions.

Labor signs: I have the occasional Braxton hicks but other than that, nothing strong.  

Belly button: No changes here.

What I miss: As we get closer to meeting our daughter, I realize that I don’t really miss anything. I am happy to give up wine and a considerable amount of sleep because I know that the reward is going to be so great.

What I am looking forward to: Rawley is having a “baby shower” this weekend with all his guy friends. It should be a great time and one of the last times for awhile that he will be able to “cut loose”. J

On the to-do list: Next week we are going to focus on completing our registry so we have all the essentials we need for the baby. We also need to start thinking about our packing list and starting that process.

Milestones: Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well.

Something funny/memorable from work: My kids are pretty fascinated with the belly and ask permission to touch it. One of my girls even got to feel her moving around the other day.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! Mike is sad that he's missing the men's baby shower. I'm sure you are both excited for the Big Day! We'll be thinking about you both. Send pictures! Love, Sara & Mike
