Monday, March 26, 2012

Midwife Appointment

I had a 36/37 week midwife appointment today. I'm measuring at 35cm which is right on track. Mama's blood pressure is great. Baby's heart rate is spectacular! She reviewed my fetal monitoring report from last Friday and said that we scored at 10/10, which is perfect. The profile looks at fetal movement, fetal body tone, fetal breathing efforts, amniotic fluid volume, as well as the result of the non-stress test. I was glad to hear our little girl is doing so well!

My test also showed that I was having uterine cramping which is basically the body warming up for labor. I also told her that I was having some pains in my low abdomen just above my pubic bone and I thought maybe my pants were too tight. However, the other night when we were at the movies I basically held my pants a little bit away from my skin to take any pressure off my belly and still felt the pains. She described these as cervical pains that could mean I am starting to dilate. YAHH!!! I hope she is right.

So we are continuing to get ready for the baby. The nursery is completely stocked and ready. The only thing we really have left to do is pack our hospital bag and put the car seat base in the subaru. Rawley wants to treat the leather first. haha :)

This week I also start a bunch of different types of "at home" cervical ripening tricks. My midwife gave me some herbs today that I take 3 times a day that will hopefully strengthen the uterus so it will handle labor better. I also got some evening primrose oil and start acupuncture treatments tomorrow. I am also walking a ton which really brings on the braxton hicks. There are a few other tricks we are going to start trying but I'm pretty sure some of my students read this blog so I will keep those to myself! :)

I'm hoping little baby Voorhies decides to join us any day of the week but a Tuesday. That is the only day our midwife would have a difficult time making it to the birth.

I guess we should start making guesses as to when she is going to make her big entrance. I'm feeling April 4th... I guess we will see!

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