Wednesday, March 14, 2012

35 Weeks!

35 Weeks

How big is baby: Our baby is the size of a honeydew melon, 18 inches long and 5 ½ pounds.
Pregnancy Symptoms: I see a sizeable difference everyday with my belly. Things are starting to feel pretty tight in there, I’m sure! Heartburn is creeping up on me again.
Stretch marks: Still lucky enough to not have stretch marks but I don’t think my skin feels like it can stretch anymore..they may be on their way.
Sleep: Love that daily nap! I get a few hours usually every afternoon after work.
Best moment of the week: Rawley’s baby shower was so fun! We had such a great time seeing so many of our friends! What a great way to celebrate Rawley’s journey into fatherhood.
Movement: This baby is still moving around like crazy! She will roll from one side of my belly to the other. She also likes to stretch her little feet and hands out which is really entertaining to watch on my belly.
Food cravings: I don’t have any cravings in particular but my appetite has increased.
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: No signs of labor yet
Belly button: Still halfsie
What I miss: I don’t miss a thing!
What I am looking forward to:  I am looking forward to the last finishing touches and organization of the nursery. We are so close!
On the to-do list: We have an ultrasound tomorrow so we will keep everyone posted on the position of the baby. We are hoping she is head down but also prepared and okay with her still being breech.
Milestones: Her hearing is fully developed at this point. She responds best to high pitch noises.
Something funny/memorable from work: It is my last week of work. I am officially on leave starting mid next week. It is definitely a bittersweet experience for me. Sleeping in later in the mornings and having a few weeks to clean and prepare for the baby sounds very nice. I will miss my students. They mean so much to me and I really find a lot of joy in working with them. It will be hard to say goodbye.  

1 comment:

  1. We are getting so close! Thanks for the 'daddy' baby shower...from what I've heard it sounds like I was having a great time!
