Friday, March 9, 2012

Turn baby, turn!

In an effort to get little baby Voorhies to flip to head-down position, I have tried many things.
  • Ice pack at the top of the belly to hopefully inspire her to move her head to a warmer climate. I have also tried this with ice at the top of the belly and heat down low. She clearly hates the ice but not enough to completely vacate her favorite space near my ribs. I guess she is going to be a skier.
  • Playing baroque music down near the pubic bone. Apparently babies like harpsichords...
  • Having Rawley talk to the baby down where we want her head to be. She really likes this one because she starts moving around like crazy but it still hasn't made her somersault.
  • Tilting a ironing board against the couch and lying with my head near the floor and my feet at the top. Ouch on the back. I feel like my pelvis is going to crack in half.
  • Assuming the "farting position" as we like to call it. Basically a downward dog yoga pose but you are on your knees. Why we call it the farting position, I'm sure you can imagine.
  • Kneeling at the top of the stairs and walking my hands a few steps down so my hips are higher than my chest. This one is pretty tough on the shoulders.
  • Chiropractor for Webster technique. Apparently if you lower body and pelvis is in the correct position, the baby will move downward. This did not help the first time but I have another appointment on Monday, we we will see.
  • Moxibustion- This is a very interesting technique that we have spent quite a bit of time researching. I went in to see an acupuncturist last week and she taught me this method. You basically have two sticks of Moxa which is technically mugwort herb. It is a traditional Chinese medication. The sticks are shaped like cigars and basically burn just like that. It has an incense smell to it. Our house starts to smell like we are hiding illegal herbs by the end of the treatment. It is the most relaxing part of my day. I get to lay back on the bed and put on soothing music. Rawley sits at the foot of the bed and burns both sticks right on the outside (about a 1/2 inch) of each pinkie toe. We do this for 15 minutes every night. Apparently the heating of UB (Urinary Bladder) point 67 on each side increases the yang which is needed for the baby to move. Movement in babies at this time is naturally downward, so if you give them the energy they need to move, they will most likely move down. Regardless if she ends of moving with help from this treatment, it is a very nice part of the day to just relax.
  • Check out this video on moxibustion if you are interested to see what it looks like:

I think the biggest issue for me is the stress that possibly having her in breech position when she is due brings. It will more than likely completely change how we envisioned this process to be. I knew going in to this that child birth wasn't going to go exactly how I planned. You can't plan anything when it come to labor but I really wanted to have the chance to try and experience it as naturally as possible. Our bodies were made to do this and I want to have that chance. Which brings me to my next thought, which my chiropractor helped me realize. The pressure I am putting on myself may be the reason why she isn't turning on her own. That type of stress can affect the baby. So I have spent quite a bit of time over the last week really thinking about it and remembering that however she enters the world, our daughter will be here soon. She isn't stubborn or a tough baby. Perhaps she just likes her head to be closer to my heart. My conversations have changed and my thoughts about her positioning. When she is ready to turn, she will. If she doesn't, that is okay too.

In the last two days I have felt movement and kicks in places I don't normally feel. Sometimes I can definitely feel her head near my ribs and other times it feels more like her bottom. I think she still must have a lot of space and is just using it to keep on her exercising schedule and swim around. We have an ultrasound appointment next week at 35 weeks pregnant. We will get to see where she is settling. Until then, no stress just confidence that she will put herself where she feels most comfortable.

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