Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Ultrasound Pictures!

Today was our final ultrasound! We got to see our little cutie pie and got a few new pics. She likes to keep her little hands right by her face so she was blocking many of the pictures. We will take what we can get! The doctor estimates that she is 5 lbs 7 oz. today which puts her in the 53rd percentile. He said this is perfect, especially for someone with diabetes. He is thrilled with the management of my blood sugars and the progress of the baby.

We also were able to see that baby Voorhies is now head down! What a relief! Babies can always turn up til birth so I suppose she could possibly flip back to breech but it isn't very common. We are hoping she is feeling pretty comfy where she is. Our doctor feels very positive that we will have a great shot at achieving our non-medicated water birth!

Last night Rawley and I were debating if we wanted to do the acupuncture technique for turning a breech baby, moxabustion, and I said, "Let's trust our baby". So we went without it last night believing she would be in the best position for her. I wonder if I just needed an attitude adjustment!

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