Wednesday, March 21, 2012

36 Weeks - Holy crap!

36 Weeks

How big is baby: Baby weighs almost 6 pounds, like a Crenshaw melon(…what the hell is that??) and is more than 18 ½ inches long.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Stuffy nose, nose bleeds and clogged ears. It seems very strange but they are all real pregnancy symptoms. I also experience shortness of breath at random times. Not just when exercising but even laying down.
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Today was my last early morning wakeup til baby comes! I’m hoping this will improve my sleep and help me get really rested until delivery.
Best moment of the week: Last night was my final concert with the kids. It was so bittersweet to say goodbye and definitely emotional. The students were so great. I just hope that I was able to really say the right thing for them to understand how much they mean to me. It is going to be strange not seeing them every day but I’m looking forward to this next journey with our baby. It’s time for me to be a mom to my baby. :)
Movement: Still having tons of movement. She likes to stretch out her legs and push out. I will get little lumps on my stomach from time to time when she does that. It’s pretty cute and totally strange feeling!
Food cravings: Love those skinny cow ice cream sandwiches!
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: None
Belly button: No changes. Still waiting for it to pop completely.
What I miss: I miss my students already! This is going to be weird!
What I am looking forward to: Hopefully we will be taking a tour of the labor and delivery room at OHSU. We will need to do a “rehearsal” so we feel more prepared for the big day. I’m also looking forward to nesting for a few weeks before baby makes her arrival. I’m also looking forward to having some date nights with the hubby!!
On the to-do list: It’s time to start cooking meals that I can freeze. On the list: different types of soup, spaghetti sauce, stew…  Any suggestions?? Send them my way J
Milestones: She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement.
Something funny/memorable from work: My kids were so awesome today. I have never felt more special during my 5 years of teaching. The wrote me notes and brought presents. I must have received over 100 hugs. Sometimes we forget in the day to day that we are really helping and making a difference and the kids don’t always think to thanks their teachers for the support we provide. Today the kids made me feel like a million bucks! It is really nice to know that I have been able to make an impact of many of their lives and that so many of them feel such a genuine connection to music that they found through me. Very special! I couldn’t ask for more. It makes me feel like I must have been doing something right. J  I am sure going to miss them.

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