Wednesday, February 29, 2012

33 Weeks!

33 Weeks

How big the baby is: This week the baby weighs over 4 pounds (the size of a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Aches and pains in my lower back. I have pain in my sides throughout the day. I have experiences a few Braxton Hicks contractions, mostly when I am walking uphill at a fast pace. Another special symptom for me is my blood sugar is starting to increase because my body is becoming more resistant to insulin as the baby grows. I have to increase my insulin intact way more than I imagined I would. The doctors are completely un-phased by this and have been warning me this would happen from the beginning but it is still so strange to me. I started out taking 10 units at bedtime and now I am up to 25! That number will probably even get higher over the next few weeks. My doctor also told me as soon as the baby is delivered I can completely quit taking insulin that day! That is how much the baby effects the insulin requirements when you are pregnant.  
Maternity clothes: I keep rotating the same tops with different sweaters/covers and find that I have the right amount. Not too many maternity clothes to feel like I spent too much money. Just enough!
Stretch marks: Still no stretch marks yet.
Sleep: My nightly visits to the bathroom have returned! Usually just once but sometimes twice. Luckily I am usually so exhausted that I can go back to sleep. I have had a few nights this week where I will wake up and start thinking about the upcoming arrival and can’t get back to sleep. Those make for rough work days!
Best moment of the week: I played some baroque music on my belly the other day to encourage her to move head down and she was dancing it up in there! As soon as the song would stop she would immediately settle down. It is pretty amazing to feel!
Movement: She loves to move. Maybe she will be a dancer. That would be a trait she would pick up from Rawley! The less space she has in there, the more she stretches the limits. Literally! I have been feeling her little feet all the way over to my side and down into my hips. She has even put on a tap dancing show a few times on my bladder which is always fun.  The big thing she has been doing more frequently throughout the last few weeks and hiccupping. She gets hiccups nearly every day, sometimes several times a day. They can go on for several minutes and be extremely strong. It’s pretty cute!
Food cravings: Frozen yogurt! Love it J I can’t get enough.
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: None
Belly button: It still hasn’t completely popped yet!
What I miss: Mostly just sleep and free time with Rawley. We have both been so busy with work and things around the house.
What I am looking forward to: I am just so excited to have this little girl! I can’t believe we are just 7 weeks away from her due date. Less if she comes early. It feels like this pregnancy has really flown by which is fine with me. I would be just fine if a stork literally delivered the baby to us. As “beautiful” and fascinating the process is, I am ready for it to be over and to hold our baby in my arms. It also brings tears to my eyes whenever I think of Rawley holding her and giving her kisses. He is going to be such a great dad.
On the to-do list: Lots of visits with the chiropractor and acupuncturist to help this little girl flip over and prepare her for delivery. We are still hoping she is just taking her time and will move out of breech position soon.
Milestones: She is keeping her eyes open while awake. She’s also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Her bones are hardening. And she is going through (more) major brain development.

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