Wednesday, February 1, 2012

29 Weeks

29 Weeks

How big is baby: The baby weighs about the same as a butternut squash, 2 ½ lbs. She is a bit over 15 inches long from head to heel.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Heartburn is starting to creep in the more I can feel her move up towards my chest.
Maternity clothes: Time to shop for a baby shower outfit!
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Hip pain wakes me up a few times a night so I have to rotate sides. My rotation has really slowed down because the weight of the baby is starting to affect me.
Best moment of the week: Every night before I go to sleep I listen to the baby’s heartbeat through the fetal stethoscope. It is a nice way to end my day and connect with the baby. She likes to kick at the stethoscope when I put it on my skin.  
Movement: I can really feel her shifting around and moving her body slowly. I still get this occasional kick but mostly just her changing positions.
Food cravings: I am really enjoying my yogurt and granola snacks. I had a pretty intense desire for chocolate peanut butter ice cream a few days ago but I had those before I was pregnant too!
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: None
Belly button: Halfsie!
What I miss: A beautiful LARGE glass of wine…
What I am looking forward to: Learning more about labor in our Bradley Method classes. We also have an ultrasound this Friday to check on the growth of the baby. I'm very excited to see how our little girl is doing. I will post pictures this weekend!
On the to-do list: Finishing the nursery next weekend. Pictures will be up soon!  
Milestones: Baby's energy is surging, thanks to white fat depositing beneath his skin. And since he's growing so fast (weight will triple by birth), things are getting kind of cramped in the womb
Something funny/memorable from work: I was giving a lesson and demonstation on breathing with my choir students today. We had one hand on our bellies and one on our chests. I felt my belly button really starting to “say hello” and made a comment about it. One of the kids said “Mrs V! Your turkey timer has already popped?!”

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