Thursday, January 26, 2012

28 Weeks

28 Weeks

Hello 3rd Trimester!!!

How big is baby: The baby weighs about 2 ¼ lbs, like a Chinese cabbage, and measures almost 15 inches from head to heel.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Back aches and pain in my ribs.
Maternity clothes: My first pair of maternity pants is starting to feel too tight! You know you are really “blossoming” when your maternity clothes don’t fit you as well as they use to.
Stretch marks: Still not a sign of them…
Sleep: I have to turn from side to side frequently throughout the night but I feel fortunate that at least I’m not completely out of the bed to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes yet. Famous last words.
Best moment of the week: I just absolutely love feeling the baby move especially now that she responds to touch and sounds.
Movement: She is giving me fewer kicks and jabs. Now I just feel her slowly rolling and stretching.
Food cravings: Fruit!
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: None
Belly button: I would call it a halfsie. It’s not completely out but it’s certainly a different look than I was sporting pre-pregnancy.
What I miss: Sleeping through the night on my stomach.. the small things..
What I am looking forward to: I am really looking forward to not being pregnant anymore and just being a mom to our daughter. As selfish as it may seem, I want my clear skin and body back.
On the to-do list: Finishing up the nursery and organizing all of her things!
Milestones: She can now blink her eyes! With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters through.
Something funny/memorable from work: I think the bigger I get, the more reality sets in for my students. I had the “when is your due date again?” question at least a dozen times this week. I think up until the belly really started to pop, they were able to put it out of their mind but not anymore. I have less than 40 days of work until I am on family leave. This is really the final stretch!

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