Wednesday, January 18, 2012

27 Weeks

27 Weeks

How big is baby: Baby Voorhies is almost 2 pounds and 14 ½ inches long with her legs extended. 2 pounds is about the weight of a head of cauliflower.
Pregnancy Symptoms: I have aches in my back, hips and ribs.  
Maternity clothes: Everything is maternity now. I keep rotating my tops!
Stretch marks: So far, so good!
Sleep: I am more tired now than I have been the last few months. I am back to having naps almost every day. Sleeping through the night is impossible.
Best moment of the week: Rawley and I were sitting on the couch this week relaxing and I was trying to get him to feel the baby kick and move. I ran my fingers across my belly to see if I could wake her up and she responded right back by moving right across the same area I touched. We tried this a few times and each time she responded! It was pretty amazing. I was also able to find her heartbeat for the first time with a fetal stethoscope at home that a friend let us borrow.
Movement: Tons of movement. It is my favorite part about being pregnant other than having a baby in the end.
Food cravings: Nothing special.
Food aversions: The smell of fish.
Labor signs: None that I’m aware of. I’m suspicious that I may be experiencing Braxton Hicks from time to time but I’m not sure.
Belly button:  Still in.
What I miss: Uninterrupted sleep and big glasses of wine.
What I am looking forward to: When I am awake in the middle of the night, looking at our baby and having a reason to be awake.  
On the to-do list: We are still working on decorating the nursery and it is coming along. I think it is going to be amazing!
Milestones: She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now.
Something funny/memorable this week: Rawley called my belly a “one pack” yesterday. I got a good laugh out of that!

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