Wednesday, February 15, 2012

31 Weeks (Time is flying!)

31 Weeks

How big baby is: Our baby measures over 16 inches long this week and weighs about 3.3 pounds. She is the size of a pineapple!
Pregnancy Symptoms: I’m exhausted! It is becoming more difficult to breath.
Maternity clothes: Got a new pair of maternity jeans from the Gap this week! Love them!
Stretch marks: Still no sign of them
Sleep: It just seems like I can never get enough sleep. I love my daily naps and I am cranky if I can’t fit one in!
Best moment of the week: I have two this week! My baby shower! It was so great to see all my friends and family. Jenelle did such a wonderful job organizing the shower.  My second favorite thing was the big nursery reveal! Check out the nursery post on the blog. It is more amazing that I imagined it would be. I love just sitting in there and daydreaming.
Movement: She is so active! I love feeling her move around especially when it is in response to my touch on the belly.
Food cravings: Nothing new
Food aversions: Nothing new but my sense of smell has definitely heightened in the last few days so this could get interesting.
Labor signs: None
Belly button: Still halfsie!
What I miss: My energy! I miss my normal amount of energy. The day to day, getting out of bed and working with my students for 5 hours is starting to feel very draining.
What I am looking forward to: Organizing the nursery with all of her adorable things that our friends and family gave us at the shower.
On the to-do list: We have got to get this baby moving out of breech position. There is still plenty of fluid around her based on what the doctors said this week so there is time but I am still getting nervous.
Milestones: Baby's going through major brain and nerve development these days. His irises now react to light, and all five senses are in working order. (He won't pick up anything from his nose until after birth, though -- smell is transferred through air, not amniotic fluid.)

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