Wednesday, October 26, 2011

15 weeks

(I stole this idea from Angie's friend who has her own baby blog. I think it is a great way of organizing each week and the changes that are happening. Hope you like it!)

15 Weeks

How big is baby: Baby is 4 inches this week weighing in at 2 1/2 ounces. Baby is about the size of an apple!

Pregnancy symptoms: I am having severe headaches almost every single day. They hit at about 12 weeks along. Drinking massive amounts of water isn't working for me. Tylenol has really been my only relief. Occasionally I will get little "feelings", I wouldn't say painful ones, near my pubic bone. I'm guessing this is either from ligaments stretching or possibly baby movement!

Maternity clothes: I am officially in maternity pants everyday. I have a few maternity tops but some of my pre-pregnancy clothes still fit. This seems to be a benefit of being tall that I already own many long torso shirts.

Stretch Marks: None so far...hopefully never will get them. Special cream from Europe is on the way!

Sleep: I am up usually at least once a night. I get uncomfortable after being on one side for too long so I roll often and that wakes me up. Sleeping "well" has taken on a new meaning in my life.

Best moment this week: Rawley giving me neck rubs every day and asking how my "baby bump" is doing.

Movement: It's either gas, ligament pain or baby movement. Too soon to tell for sure.

Food cravings: Soup! Any kind, any time!

Food aversions: Eggs and chicken made on the BBQ.

Labor signs: None, thank God! Although, I had some major gas pains that I pray labor feels nothing like or I am in for some pain.

Belly button in or out: In

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, sleeping on my back...basically sleeping in general.

What I am looking forward to: Looking big enough that people know I am pregnant rather than thinking I'm just "letting myself go".

On the to-do list: We need to finish cleaning out the room that was once our office/junk room and start converting it into the new nursery.

Milestones: The baby is busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Baby's legs are growing longer than its arms now, and it can move all of its joints and limbs. Although the baby's eyes are still shut, it can sense light. The baby is also forming taste buds.

Something funny/memorable that happened at work:  One of the girls in choir said, " It was so hard concentrating today in choir because I couldn't quit staring at your belly!"

Monday, October 24, 2011

As requested by Angie...Baby bump photos!

What makes this even more hilarious is how much Angie and I "chat" about people who post pictures weekly of their bump on facebook. Who better to share your rapid weight gain than with your family and friends?? So here you go Angie and others who may be interested. I'm still an "in-betweener". Either that girl ate too many tacos and drank too many beers at last weekends Beaver tailgater or that is a baby bump!

Interestingly, my students seemed to already know I was pregnant when I made my announcement because I was sporting a "baby bump". It was that or I quit taking Zumba classes. Teenagers are so observant. Eyes off my midsection and back to my face please!

On a side note, when are these boobs going to grow?? I thought this was a perk of being pregnant! I bet it would also balance out the increasing size of my belly... Ladies---any ideas for me here??

More belly pics to come!

8 Weeks

10 weeks

12 Weeks

14 Weeks

I can't believe I thought I had a legit baby bump at 8weeks looking back at these photos. Ridiculous!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

12 Ultrasound

What a relief! No one really tells you how scary pregnancy in the 1st 3 months can be. Rawley and I anxiously awaited our 12 week ultrasound hoping for good news. I barely had any symptoms my 1st trimester which most women would say "Thank God!" but it can almost make it more scary. It is frightening before you visibly have a pregnant belly and the baby's movement inside of you to reassure you that you are in fact pregnant. The ultrasound was the 1st big moment of relief. Almost instantly when she stuck that crazy wand on my stomach with the warm jelly (did you know they warm it up??), we saw the baby. Head, body, arms and legs. Most importantly, a fluttering heartbeat. The tech was so reassuring pointing things out and telling us how great everything was developing. She zoomed in on baby's face and we saw some pretty cute facial features already taking shape. Our next ultrasound is at 20 weeks and we can't wait to see how much Baby Voorhies has grown!

Welcome to the 14,000,000 baby blog ever created!

Just what the world needs, another baby blog. Let's keep in mind here that this isn't just any ordinary baby blog. We are talking about a little baby Voorhies. Judging by how special our niece Marlie is, this little tyke that is due to arrive in April will be no ordinary baby. Baby Voorhies will be certainly one of kind by being an expert climber of ladders to singing with natural ability 10 minutes after birth. I'm sure with our lack of experience as new parents that this blog will document quite a journey as we attempt to make it through each day as mom and dad.