Monday, October 24, 2011

As requested by Angie...Baby bump photos!

What makes this even more hilarious is how much Angie and I "chat" about people who post pictures weekly of their bump on facebook. Who better to share your rapid weight gain than with your family and friends?? So here you go Angie and others who may be interested. I'm still an "in-betweener". Either that girl ate too many tacos and drank too many beers at last weekends Beaver tailgater or that is a baby bump!

Interestingly, my students seemed to already know I was pregnant when I made my announcement because I was sporting a "baby bump". It was that or I quit taking Zumba classes. Teenagers are so observant. Eyes off my midsection and back to my face please!

On a side note, when are these boobs going to grow?? I thought this was a perk of being pregnant! I bet it would also balance out the increasing size of my belly... Ladies---any ideas for me here??

More belly pics to come!

8 Weeks

10 weeks

12 Weeks

14 Weeks

I can't believe I thought I had a legit baby bump at 8weeks looking back at these photos. Ridiculous!

1 comment:

  1. Wait until you get to 8 months! Can't wait to see the baby bump pictures then!
