Sunday, October 23, 2011

12 Ultrasound

What a relief! No one really tells you how scary pregnancy in the 1st 3 months can be. Rawley and I anxiously awaited our 12 week ultrasound hoping for good news. I barely had any symptoms my 1st trimester which most women would say "Thank God!" but it can almost make it more scary. It is frightening before you visibly have a pregnant belly and the baby's movement inside of you to reassure you that you are in fact pregnant. The ultrasound was the 1st big moment of relief. Almost instantly when she stuck that crazy wand on my stomach with the warm jelly (did you know they warm it up??), we saw the baby. Head, body, arms and legs. Most importantly, a fluttering heartbeat. The tech was so reassuring pointing things out and telling us how great everything was developing. She zoomed in on baby's face and we saw some pretty cute facial features already taking shape. Our next ultrasound is at 20 weeks and we can't wait to see how much Baby Voorhies has grown!

1 comment:

  1. We want baby bump pictures!!! (as well as nursery pics, etc.)

