Wednesday, November 9, 2011

17 Weeks

17 Weeks

How big is baby: Baby is five inches head to toe and 5 ounces in weight. About the size of an onion.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Not a new symptom by any means but acne. The bad kind. Covering my entire face like a pubescent middle school kid.
Maternity clothes: I can still fit in many of my old shirts but not pants. Pretty soon the shirts are going to have to be packed up because I don’t want to stretch them out. I’m going to need those when I get back to my “normal” size!
Stretch marks: None so far. Still praying they never make an entrance.
Sleep: Every night is a surprise. I have been waking up on my back which I read is totally fine. I am trying to stay of my side but it doesn’t always work.
Best moment of the week: We met with our midwife for our first hour long appointment. She is wonderful! She is completely supportive of our birth plan and has put in a TON of leg work getting the research and information we need to negotiate with the hospital. We are hoping for a non-medicated water birth. The hospital has procedures they like to follow with their diabetic patients that requires you to be on an insulin and glucose pump. However, if they allow us to use a battery operated pump, we may be able to use the birthing tub. This has never been permitted at OHSU before. Our midwife thinks we have a chance of changing this protocol. Pretty great lady!
Movement: Still no movement. Our ultrasound tech let us know that the placenta is currently located in such a way that is provides an extra cushion between myself and the baby. She said it may take me longer to feel movement than other expectant moms. Bummer L but I am hopeful to feel our little baby kicking around very soon!
Food cravings: Popsicles, macaroni and cheese, cheese in general actually!
Food aversions: Nothing new.
Labor signs: none
Belly button: Still in.
What I miss: Wine! Not just a sip but a whole bottle! J There are still those days after work that it would be nice to unwind with a glass of wine. Now I get to take bubble baths which is nice but not the same!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if we are going to be welcoming a son or daughter.
On the to-do list: Starting the baby registry and getting the crew to come in and re-texture the walls in the nursery so we can paint.
Milestones: Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. His umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes now feature one-of-a-kind prints.

Something funny/memorable from work: My students are obviously noticing the changing size of my belly. The baby has really had a growth spurt in the last week so my baby bump is becoming more like a real bump rather than a food baby. One of my girls asked permission to touch my stomach. I thought this was sweet and a good sign that my students will learn not invade my personal space. I have heard there are not many things more tempting that reaching out and touching someone’s baby bump!

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