Wednesday, November 23, 2011

19 Weeks

19 Weeks

How big is baby: Baby is the size of a mango this week! 6 in, 8.5 ounces. Baby’s arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of the body now.  
Pregnancy Symptoms: Aches and pains in my belly, same as last week but add in the legs and back now. Weird how quickly things change! I have also noticed a big increase in my appetite in the last week.
Maternity clothes: Almost time for new bras! YA! J
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Preparing myself for a newborn by sleeping an hour to two hours at a time. I’m trying to adjust to the new body pillow.
Best moment of the week: Feeling those special baby movements especially when there is music playing or singing. I hope this is a sign the baby likes it! Also, our 18 week ultrasound was absolutely amazing. It is so great to check-in and see the baby and how it is growing.
Movement: Some days I have a ton of movement and other days not very much.
Food cravings: Same cravings as usual but adding in the growing craving for turkey and gravy. Hmmmm, wonder why…
Food aversions: None but I have a smell aversion to the deodorant they put in kitty litter. I randomly will smell it even when I am nowhere near the litter.
Labor signs: None
Belly button: Still in  
What I miss: The energy for Zumba! I can’t wait to work out for real after the baby comes.
What I am looking forward to: Turkey dinner!
On the to-do list: Painting the baby room and planning our big boy/girl reveal near Christmas!
Milestones: The baby is growing hair! Also, the baby’s sensory development is exploding! The brain is designing specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch.
Something funny/memorable from work: We had a guest from UofO school of music come to sing for the choir and promote the program. She sang a few opera arias and every time she started to sing, the baby would start moving around a ton! In between songs I felt nothing but as soon as she started to sing again, baby started moving around. Either the baby loves the singing, hates the singing, or is a true Beaver fan!

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