Wednesday, December 7, 2011

21 Weeks!

21 Weeks

How big is baby: Baby is about 10 ½ inches long, the length of a carrot and weighs three-quarters of a pound.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Still having headaches and acne worse than my adolescent students. I’ve never felt more beautiful…  My belly itches too.
Maternity clothes: I’m starting to fill out my maternity tops!
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: What’s that?
Best moment of the week: I had my first appointment with a chiropractor who doubles as a midwife. The baby was doing somersaults in there! I was lying on my back while she was working on my neck and she said the baby was kicking so hard toward my stomach that the drawstring of my pants was bouncing up.  
Movement: TONS! So exciting. Rawley has felt a few more kicks and I think that has really started to make him even more excited.
Food cravings: Same…and wine is still on my mind.
Food aversions: None
What I miss: Feeling self-sufficient. Rawley won’t even let me carry a gallon of milk at the store.  
What I am looking forward to: Painting the nursery this week.
On the to-do list: Finish painting the nursery and adding the trim. Hopefully ordering furniture!
Milestones:  The baby’s eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed this week.
Something funny/memorable from work: Santa Claus gave me TWO candy canes at a caroling event I took my choir to. One for me and one for my on-board passenger!

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