Saturday, December 3, 2011

Great News!

It's seems like Christmas has come a bit early this year! This is an answer to one of my biggest prayers during this pregnancy. Rawley and I are ecstatic and feel so blessed that this is happening right now for my birthing experience! Thank you to our midwife who has been advocating for us since we met her in August!

Received this morning from our midwife at OHSU:

Dear Julia:
Just wanted to let you know that the hospital has re-visited the policy of not allowing women in labor to get in a tub of water when they are receiving medication through an infusion pump device. That policy will be revised so that use of the jacuzzi or water tub is permissible in conjunction with wireless telemetry monitoring (when indicated).

So, one big hurdle to achieving your birth plan is out of the way. I also wanted to tell you we are in the process of revising the water tub program to make it more accessible to more women. More info on that as we proceed.

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