Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

As we do every year, we take a minute to reflect on all the blessings in our life. This year we spent our last Christmas as just spouses and thought about how different next year will be.
We are so blessed to have found eachother and share such a special relationship and marriage.
We are thankful for our incredible parents and their endless support and love. They will truly be amazing grandparents to our little girl. I'm sure it will take some years of maturity for her to realize how lucky she is to have these wonderful grandparents but Rawley and I will know it everytime we see them play together and snuggle.
We are blessed to have great siblings and have such a wonderful relationship with them and their spouses. It doesn't get much better than being able to call your sibling and their spouse also your friends.
We are blessed to have such wonderful aunts, uncles and cousins who are cheering us on and giving their love.
Although my grandparents have passed away, I am blessed and grateful to have a great relationship with Rawley's grandparents. It is wonderful to be a part of his family.
We are thankful for our friends who are encouraging and patient with our journey into parenthood. It is so wonderful thinking about the many friends and family members who have been surrounding our marriage with their love and support and will be doing the same with our baby girl.
We want to thank God for the opportunity to be parents and giving for giving us this miracle that I get to feel kicking away inside every day.

We are truly blessed and thankful for all of these wonderful "presents" in our lives. We can't wait for our daughter to be a part of this wonderful family and part of our close friendships. Merry Christmas to all!

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