Wednesday, December 21, 2011

23 Weeks

23 Weeks!

How big is baby: SHE (I love saying that now!) is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound. That is about size of a papaya. Yum!
Pregnancy Symptoms: The headaches continue and the skin on my stomach is really starting to stretch. I am also enjoying the occasional hot flash!
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Same old story. Love the pillows but the more weight I put on in my stomach area, the more aches and pains I wake up.
Best moment of the week: Finding out we are having a girl!
Check out the video on youtube:
Movement: Sometimes she is sleepy just like me and other days it feels like she is doing Zumba! It almost seems like she is beginning to respond to touch. Sometimes when I rest my hand on my belly she really starts to move right in that spot.
Food cravings: I have really started to have some cravings this week. First it was a milkshake, then Cajun fries from McMenamins, then oreo cookies, then oreo cookies dipped in chocolate. Finally by the end of the week I wanted Spaghetti Factory. Now it is all I can think about!
Food aversions: I wish!
Labor signs: none
Belly button: Still in
What I miss: I don’t really miss anything. I am just so excited that we are expecting our daughter in just a matter of months!
What I am looking forward to: I can’t wait to see her again on our next ultrasound!
On the to-do list: My friend Misty’s mom is amazing a decorating and is coming into town to help me plan out the nursery! She has some wonderful ideas and I can’t wait to see how things turn out. I can tell you there will definitely be some owls in this little girl’s bedroom and pink! Rawley is voting for purple but Mom's favorite color is pink!
Milestones: Her little face is fully formed but now she needs to put on the baby fat. Momma is sure helping her out with that!
Something funny/memorable from work: I took a poll on the last day of school before Winter Break and over 70% of my students thought that it was going to be a boy. Now they are fighting over what part in choir she will sing!

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