Monday, April 30, 2012

Our Birth Story

Our Birth Story
Told by Rawley

On Sunday April 15, Julia started to feel “menstrual cramps” around 10am and we decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood to see what would happen. On our walk, the cramps were becoming stronger and we decided to call our doula for advice. Julia didn’t want to alarm the midwife and hospital until we really knew this was the real deal. When we returned home from the walk, Julia went to use the restroom and had a small gush of what we had to assume was her water breaking or leaking. At this point, we contacted the midwife since Julia was GBS positive and knew that she would want to see Julia sooner than later for antibiotics.
Our midwife said to continue to labor at home and we would meet at the hospital later that day. I spent the rest of the afternoon timing contractions, packing last minute items in the hospital bags and fulfilling my Bradley coach duties while Julia tried to stay relaxed and welcome each contraction. At one point, we sat on the back deck and enjoyed the sunshine while Julia continued to labor with her feet kicked up on a chaise lounger.

Around 5:30pm we headed to the hospital as Julia’s contractions were about 3 minutes apart and 50 seconds long. They were definitely getting stronger but were manageable. When we arrived in labor and delivery, they immediately set Julia up on the EFM to see how the baby was doing while Julia received the GBS antibiotics. Baby’s heart rate was staying consistently between 170 and 180 beats per minute. Due to this, we decided to keep the EFM on to continue to monitor baby closely.  The baby was also experiencing several decels after contractions. Most of them would recover pretty quickly but a few stayed down for several minutes.
At 7pm Julia spiked a fever and was given Tylenol and a different type of antibiotics. The doctors started to fear that perhaps she had an infection and that might be the reason why baby’s heart rate was so high. Our midwife wanted to identify where the umbilical cord was at because she thought that could be the reason why we were having decels. An ultrasound machine was brought in and it was found that the cord was not the issue. We also asked the midwife to perform a vaginal check at this time and learned that Julia was 3cm dilated, 100 % effaced and the head was engaged in the pelvis.
Before long we realized that the baby was handling labor the best in only one position, therefore Julia had to stay laying on her side for the majority of the labor. This made her contractions more painful because she wasn’t able to move around and at this point, water birth was also out of the question. Our labor was now considered “high risk”. Julia had to use her deep breathing techniques that she learned in Bradley class to help her through despite her uncomfortable position.
The decels continued and we had many difficult conversations about the risks and possible outcomes. We were still trying for the natural birth and our midwife was really supportive, but we knew that cesarean was a high possibility for us at this point. We definitely didn’t want to have an emergency surgery where Julia would be put to sleep and miss the experience of our daughter being born, so we asked the anesthesiologist to place the epidural in case our situation changed quickly.  The epidural placement began around 10 pm.  We were really still praying that the labor would turn around and baby would be born vaginally, so we asked for another check around 11 pm and Julia was found to be 5cm at this time.
Around midnight, the baby had a pretty major decel that lasted for over 5 minutes. The heart rate had dropped down to the 60s and was not recovering quickly. Our midwife looked at Julia and said that she believed it was time to get the baby out. That was when we really knew that this was the right thing to do. We really trusted our midwife and knew she would only suggest the C-section if it was truly our only safe option at that point.
The surgical team was very accommodating and wanted to help us experience our daughter’s birth as positively as possible. They made an exception to allow our doula to be present in the operating room which was a huge blessing. They also let us bring in our ipod player and dimmed the lights. The agreed to let the cord pulse for 1 minute before clamping and brought the baby to Julia minutes after delivery for skin to skin contact.
Julia’s placenta was beginning to calcify, which may have attributed to the stress on the baby’s heart. The OHSU team also determined that Julia had developed an infection during labor that was putting stress on the baby. Despite the turn of events and possible risks that developed during labor, our baby Kadence was born perfectly healthy. We felt very positive about our choice as we knew that not having the intervention could have resulted in a much different outcome. We felt extremely knowledgeable and in control of the process despite all the scares along the way. We really are able to look back and remember our birth experience in a very positive way, especially every time we look down at our beautiful daughter’s face and see that she is healthy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


39 weeks tomorrow!

I had a midwife appointment this week, things are going well. Baby's head is low in the pelvis and she is face down in a good position for delivery. I'm still doing all the at-home ripening techniques hoping for labor to start on its own. After my conversation with midwife, if baby Voorhies isn't making her arrival by her due date, next Wednesday, we will being the induction process. We will start with the least invasive methods and proceed from there. Either way, we are excited to know that we will be holding our baby girl in our arms next week!

The waiting has been a bit unsettling. As a "first-timer", every new ache or feeling puts me into guessing mode. Is this it?? Am I in labor?? Contractions are irregular and they start up for a few hours and then stop. I have menstrual type cramps and sometimes shooting pains down into my thighs. Things are definitely getting more uncomfortable. My back and feet hurt pretty much all the time. I'm still up and moving as much as possible. I try to get a good walk in everyday!

My weight has been dramatically increasing in the last two weeks. It has been pretty consistent through the whole pregnancy but in the last week alone, I have gained 4 pounds. That is a pretty big jump for me! I now officially weigh more than Rawley, which was a scary realization.

Belly button is still half in and no stretch marks so far. I seem to crave sugar like crazy right now! I also have to pee every 20 minutes, more frequently than that when I am standing up and walking around.

That's about all I have to update. We will just keep waiting as patiently as possible for this little lady to be born. I can't believe it is going to happen any day now!

Friday, April 6, 2012

38 Week Ultrasound

We went in for another growth ultrasound this week. My midwife felt it was a good idea to make sure baby is still growing because she had measured my belly the same size for the last 3 weeks.

Baby was a little grumpy as you can see from the scowl in the pictures but she looks great! They estimated 6 lbs, 11 oz. That is a little more that a pound increase from our last ultrasound 3 weeks ago. Baby is doing great. She must be really enjoying her warm, cozy home in there.

Hope you enjoy the pictures! Oh, I also asked the US tech about her nose because I keep thinking it looks so big and puffy. She said that the 3D ultrasounds always make the nose appear larger than it really is. Don't worry Rawley! There was no big nosed man in my past!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Watermelon Status- 37 weeks

37 Weeks

How big is baby: It is official! I have reached “watermelon status”. I remember laughing about this at the beginning of my pregnancy baffled that I would get to that size. She is now considered full term and ready to be born! Baby girl Voorhies can be anywhere between 19 -21 inches long and between 6 – 9 lbs when she is born. Babies gain about ½ an ounce a day at this stage. We figure based on our last ultrasound, she is roughly 6 1/4 lbs currently.
Pregnancy Symptoms: I am experiencing tightening and some cramps. I am also extremely tired! After a long day on my feet, I will notice swelling in my lower legs and feet but it usually goes away quickly when I rest. My stomach gets upset more easily and heartburn happens more often. Not much else to report!
Stretch marks: Still none to report.
Sleep: Now that I am done with work, I get to sleep later into the morning. My nighttime’s are pretty much the same though. I have to switch sides often and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. My stomach is pretty sore when I sit up in the morning.
Best moment of the week: Probably the best moment of the week has been having the time to get things organized and completed. Not having to wake up before dawn to go to work has also been nice.
Movement: Baby is super active and it is getting easier to tell how she is situated in there. She likes to stretch out and push her feet up against my side. I like to tickle at her feet. J
Food cravings: We seem to be regulars at Menchies Frozen Yogurt. There is a girl that works there that we happen to see almost every time we go. One of our visits this weekend, my yogurt ended up in my lap, on the floor of the car, and the parking lot. I was a mess. Rawley went back in to get napkins to clean me up but my biggest concern was that he would get me a new yogurt. It was a pretty funny pregnancy moment.
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: My fetal monitoring chart showed that I am having uterine cramps. I also have noticed some pains in my low abdomen, slightly higher than my pubic bone, which my midwife claims is probably cervical cramps. This could mean I am dilating which would be wonderful! Braxton hicks are happening more often.
Belly button: Still halfsie
What I miss: My energy.
What I am looking forward to: Holding this baby girl in my arms. I can’t wait!
On the to-do list: More acupuncture treatments and various cervical ripening techniques. I also have fetal monitoring again on Friday so I can check in and see how the baby is doing. At this point, we are all set to bring our baby home.
Milestones: Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.
Not much will change between now and the delivery so this will be my last structured weekly update. I will continue to send any new information or changes as they come up! Let’s turn this watermelon into a baby!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Midwife Appointment

I had a 36/37 week midwife appointment today. I'm measuring at 35cm which is right on track. Mama's blood pressure is great. Baby's heart rate is spectacular! She reviewed my fetal monitoring report from last Friday and said that we scored at 10/10, which is perfect. The profile looks at fetal movement, fetal body tone, fetal breathing efforts, amniotic fluid volume, as well as the result of the non-stress test. I was glad to hear our little girl is doing so well!

My test also showed that I was having uterine cramping which is basically the body warming up for labor. I also told her that I was having some pains in my low abdomen just above my pubic bone and I thought maybe my pants were too tight. However, the other night when we were at the movies I basically held my pants a little bit away from my skin to take any pressure off my belly and still felt the pains. She described these as cervical pains that could mean I am starting to dilate. YAHH!!! I hope she is right.

So we are continuing to get ready for the baby. The nursery is completely stocked and ready. The only thing we really have left to do is pack our hospital bag and put the car seat base in the subaru. Rawley wants to treat the leather first. haha :)

This week I also start a bunch of different types of "at home" cervical ripening tricks. My midwife gave me some herbs today that I take 3 times a day that will hopefully strengthen the uterus so it will handle labor better. I also got some evening primrose oil and start acupuncture treatments tomorrow. I am also walking a ton which really brings on the braxton hicks. There are a few other tricks we are going to start trying but I'm pretty sure some of my students read this blog so I will keep those to myself! :)

I'm hoping little baby Voorhies decides to join us any day of the week but a Tuesday. That is the only day our midwife would have a difficult time making it to the birth.

I guess we should start making guesses as to when she is going to make her big entrance. I'm feeling April 4th... I guess we will see!

Friday, March 23, 2012

New Bump Photos

Here are some updated Bump photos!








Wednesday, March 21, 2012

36 Weeks - Holy crap!

36 Weeks

How big is baby: Baby weighs almost 6 pounds, like a Crenshaw melon(…what the hell is that??) and is more than 18 ½ inches long.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Stuffy nose, nose bleeds and clogged ears. It seems very strange but they are all real pregnancy symptoms. I also experience shortness of breath at random times. Not just when exercising but even laying down.
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Today was my last early morning wakeup til baby comes! I’m hoping this will improve my sleep and help me get really rested until delivery.
Best moment of the week: Last night was my final concert with the kids. It was so bittersweet to say goodbye and definitely emotional. The students were so great. I just hope that I was able to really say the right thing for them to understand how much they mean to me. It is going to be strange not seeing them every day but I’m looking forward to this next journey with our baby. It’s time for me to be a mom to my baby. :)
Movement: Still having tons of movement. She likes to stretch out her legs and push out. I will get little lumps on my stomach from time to time when she does that. It’s pretty cute and totally strange feeling!
Food cravings: Love those skinny cow ice cream sandwiches!
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: None
Belly button: No changes. Still waiting for it to pop completely.
What I miss: I miss my students already! This is going to be weird!
What I am looking forward to: Hopefully we will be taking a tour of the labor and delivery room at OHSU. We will need to do a “rehearsal” so we feel more prepared for the big day. I’m also looking forward to nesting for a few weeks before baby makes her arrival. I’m also looking forward to having some date nights with the hubby!!
On the to-do list: It’s time to start cooking meals that I can freeze. On the list: different types of soup, spaghetti sauce, stew…  Any suggestions?? Send them my way J
Milestones: She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement.
Something funny/memorable from work: My kids were so awesome today. I have never felt more special during my 5 years of teaching. The wrote me notes and brought presents. I must have received over 100 hugs. Sometimes we forget in the day to day that we are really helping and making a difference and the kids don’t always think to thanks their teachers for the support we provide. Today the kids made me feel like a million bucks! It is really nice to know that I have been able to make an impact of many of their lives and that so many of them feel such a genuine connection to music that they found through me. Very special! I couldn’t ask for more. It makes me feel like I must have been doing something right. J  I am sure going to miss them.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Ultrasound Pictures!

Today was our final ultrasound! We got to see our little cutie pie and got a few new pics. She likes to keep her little hands right by her face so she was blocking many of the pictures. We will take what we can get! The doctor estimates that she is 5 lbs 7 oz. today which puts her in the 53rd percentile. He said this is perfect, especially for someone with diabetes. He is thrilled with the management of my blood sugars and the progress of the baby.

We also were able to see that baby Voorhies is now head down! What a relief! Babies can always turn up til birth so I suppose she could possibly flip back to breech but it isn't very common. We are hoping she is feeling pretty comfy where she is. Our doctor feels very positive that we will have a great shot at achieving our non-medicated water birth!

Last night Rawley and I were debating if we wanted to do the acupuncture technique for turning a breech baby, moxabustion, and I said, "Let's trust our baby". So we went without it last night believing she would be in the best position for her. I wonder if I just needed an attitude adjustment!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

35 Weeks!

35 Weeks

How big is baby: Our baby is the size of a honeydew melon, 18 inches long and 5 ½ pounds.
Pregnancy Symptoms: I see a sizeable difference everyday with my belly. Things are starting to feel pretty tight in there, I’m sure! Heartburn is creeping up on me again.
Stretch marks: Still lucky enough to not have stretch marks but I don’t think my skin feels like it can stretch anymore..they may be on their way.
Sleep: Love that daily nap! I get a few hours usually every afternoon after work.
Best moment of the week: Rawley’s baby shower was so fun! We had such a great time seeing so many of our friends! What a great way to celebrate Rawley’s journey into fatherhood.
Movement: This baby is still moving around like crazy! She will roll from one side of my belly to the other. She also likes to stretch her little feet and hands out which is really entertaining to watch on my belly.
Food cravings: I don’t have any cravings in particular but my appetite has increased.
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: No signs of labor yet
Belly button: Still halfsie
What I miss: I don’t miss a thing!
What I am looking forward to:  I am looking forward to the last finishing touches and organization of the nursery. We are so close!
On the to-do list: We have an ultrasound tomorrow so we will keep everyone posted on the position of the baby. We are hoping she is head down but also prepared and okay with her still being breech.
Milestones: Her hearing is fully developed at this point. She responds best to high pitch noises.
Something funny/memorable from work: It is my last week of work. I am officially on leave starting mid next week. It is definitely a bittersweet experience for me. Sleeping in later in the mornings and having a few weeks to clean and prepare for the baby sounds very nice. I will miss my students. They mean so much to me and I really find a lot of joy in working with them. It will be hard to say goodbye.  

Friday, March 9, 2012

Turn baby, turn!

In an effort to get little baby Voorhies to flip to head-down position, I have tried many things.
  • Ice pack at the top of the belly to hopefully inspire her to move her head to a warmer climate. I have also tried this with ice at the top of the belly and heat down low. She clearly hates the ice but not enough to completely vacate her favorite space near my ribs. I guess she is going to be a skier.
  • Playing baroque music down near the pubic bone. Apparently babies like harpsichords...
  • Having Rawley talk to the baby down where we want her head to be. She really likes this one because she starts moving around like crazy but it still hasn't made her somersault.
  • Tilting a ironing board against the couch and lying with my head near the floor and my feet at the top. Ouch on the back. I feel like my pelvis is going to crack in half.
  • Assuming the "farting position" as we like to call it. Basically a downward dog yoga pose but you are on your knees. Why we call it the farting position, I'm sure you can imagine.
  • Kneeling at the top of the stairs and walking my hands a few steps down so my hips are higher than my chest. This one is pretty tough on the shoulders.
  • Chiropractor for Webster technique. Apparently if you lower body and pelvis is in the correct position, the baby will move downward. This did not help the first time but I have another appointment on Monday, we we will see.
  • Moxibustion- This is a very interesting technique that we have spent quite a bit of time researching. I went in to see an acupuncturist last week and she taught me this method. You basically have two sticks of Moxa which is technically mugwort herb. It is a traditional Chinese medication. The sticks are shaped like cigars and basically burn just like that. It has an incense smell to it. Our house starts to smell like we are hiding illegal herbs by the end of the treatment. It is the most relaxing part of my day. I get to lay back on the bed and put on soothing music. Rawley sits at the foot of the bed and burns both sticks right on the outside (about a 1/2 inch) of each pinkie toe. We do this for 15 minutes every night. Apparently the heating of UB (Urinary Bladder) point 67 on each side increases the yang which is needed for the baby to move. Movement in babies at this time is naturally downward, so if you give them the energy they need to move, they will most likely move down. Regardless if she ends of moving with help from this treatment, it is a very nice part of the day to just relax.
  • Check out this video on moxibustion if you are interested to see what it looks like:

I think the biggest issue for me is the stress that possibly having her in breech position when she is due brings. It will more than likely completely change how we envisioned this process to be. I knew going in to this that child birth wasn't going to go exactly how I planned. You can't plan anything when it come to labor but I really wanted to have the chance to try and experience it as naturally as possible. Our bodies were made to do this and I want to have that chance. Which brings me to my next thought, which my chiropractor helped me realize. The pressure I am putting on myself may be the reason why she isn't turning on her own. That type of stress can affect the baby. So I have spent quite a bit of time over the last week really thinking about it and remembering that however she enters the world, our daughter will be here soon. She isn't stubborn or a tough baby. Perhaps she just likes her head to be closer to my heart. My conversations have changed and my thoughts about her positioning. When she is ready to turn, she will. If she doesn't, that is okay too.

In the last two days I have felt movement and kicks in places I don't normally feel. Sometimes I can definitely feel her head near my ribs and other times it feels more like her bottom. I think she still must have a lot of space and is just using it to keep on her exercising schedule and swim around. We have an ultrasound appointment next week at 35 weeks pregnant. We will get to see where she is settling. Until then, no stress just confidence that she will put herself where she feels most comfortable.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

34 Weeks-6 weeks to go!!

34 Weeks

How big is baby: She weighs about 4 ¾ pounds, which is the size of a cantaloupe, and is almost 18 inches long.

Pregnancy Symptoms: Things are definitely starting to slow down. I run out of breath very easily these days and I get tired quickly. Baby girl is settling down pretty low so she pushes on my bladder, especially when I am out walking. The water works are flowing as well. I wasn’t really emotional in the beginning of the pregnancy but now everything seems to set me off!

Maternity clothes: Duh!

Stretch marks: Still no sign of them but things are definitely stretching!

Sleep: Shifting my weight from one side to the other is really getting painful. Her body weight really pulls on me.  

Best moment of the week: We had a really nice meeting with our doulas this week. They are so great and warm. I especially love how special they make Rawley feel as part of this process. We had a few doctor’s appointments in the past where Rawley didn’t feel acknowledged, like he wasn’t even in the room. Our doulas, Karen and Melissa, are so opposite of that. They ask him questions and express how important he is and how the intimacy of our relationship is going to strengthen me during labor. They also help put me at ease as we approach the baby’s birth.    

Movement: She is so active! I think this may be the primary reason why she hasn’t settled into head-down position. She just keeps moving all over the place!

Food cravings: I know this is terrible, especially for a diabetic, but everything with sugar is sounding so good these last few days! I told Rawley is was probably a good thing I have diabetes otherwise I would be extremely obese. I could eat an entire box of sugary cereal and be really to keep eating some more.  

Food aversions: Still haven’t developed any strong aversions.

Labor signs: I have the occasional Braxton hicks but other than that, nothing strong.  

Belly button: No changes here.

What I miss: As we get closer to meeting our daughter, I realize that I don’t really miss anything. I am happy to give up wine and a considerable amount of sleep because I know that the reward is going to be so great.

What I am looking forward to: Rawley is having a “baby shower” this weekend with all his guy friends. It should be a great time and one of the last times for awhile that he will be able to “cut loose”. J

On the to-do list: Next week we are going to focus on completing our registry so we have all the essentials we need for the baby. We also need to start thinking about our packing list and starting that process.

Milestones: Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well.

Something funny/memorable from work: My kids are pretty fascinated with the belly and ask permission to touch it. One of my girls even got to feel her moving around the other day.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

33 Weeks!

33 Weeks

How big the baby is: This week the baby weighs over 4 pounds (the size of a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Aches and pains in my lower back. I have pain in my sides throughout the day. I have experiences a few Braxton Hicks contractions, mostly when I am walking uphill at a fast pace. Another special symptom for me is my blood sugar is starting to increase because my body is becoming more resistant to insulin as the baby grows. I have to increase my insulin intact way more than I imagined I would. The doctors are completely un-phased by this and have been warning me this would happen from the beginning but it is still so strange to me. I started out taking 10 units at bedtime and now I am up to 25! That number will probably even get higher over the next few weeks. My doctor also told me as soon as the baby is delivered I can completely quit taking insulin that day! That is how much the baby effects the insulin requirements when you are pregnant.  
Maternity clothes: I keep rotating the same tops with different sweaters/covers and find that I have the right amount. Not too many maternity clothes to feel like I spent too much money. Just enough!
Stretch marks: Still no stretch marks yet.
Sleep: My nightly visits to the bathroom have returned! Usually just once but sometimes twice. Luckily I am usually so exhausted that I can go back to sleep. I have had a few nights this week where I will wake up and start thinking about the upcoming arrival and can’t get back to sleep. Those make for rough work days!
Best moment of the week: I played some baroque music on my belly the other day to encourage her to move head down and she was dancing it up in there! As soon as the song would stop she would immediately settle down. It is pretty amazing to feel!
Movement: She loves to move. Maybe she will be a dancer. That would be a trait she would pick up from Rawley! The less space she has in there, the more she stretches the limits. Literally! I have been feeling her little feet all the way over to my side and down into my hips. She has even put on a tap dancing show a few times on my bladder which is always fun.  The big thing she has been doing more frequently throughout the last few weeks and hiccupping. She gets hiccups nearly every day, sometimes several times a day. They can go on for several minutes and be extremely strong. It’s pretty cute!
Food cravings: Frozen yogurt! Love it J I can’t get enough.
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: None
Belly button: It still hasn’t completely popped yet!
What I miss: Mostly just sleep and free time with Rawley. We have both been so busy with work and things around the house.
What I am looking forward to: I am just so excited to have this little girl! I can’t believe we are just 7 weeks away from her due date. Less if she comes early. It feels like this pregnancy has really flown by which is fine with me. I would be just fine if a stork literally delivered the baby to us. As “beautiful” and fascinating the process is, I am ready for it to be over and to hold our baby in my arms. It also brings tears to my eyes whenever I think of Rawley holding her and giving her kisses. He is going to be such a great dad.
On the to-do list: Lots of visits with the chiropractor and acupuncturist to help this little girl flip over and prepare her for delivery. We are still hoping she is just taking her time and will move out of breech position soon.
Milestones: She is keeping her eyes open while awake. She’s also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Her bones are hardening. And she is going through (more) major brain development.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

32 weeks

32 Weeks

How big is baby: Our baby is about 3.8 pounds and almost 17 inches long. That is about the size of a jicama. You may be thinking what Rawley said earlier today, “Jicama, what the hell is that??”
Pregnancy Symptoms: Nothing new just added weight. I’m beginning to get more uncomfortable as she grows bigger.
Stretch marks: Still none, I have been keeping my fingers crossed!
Sleep: Another fun pregnancy symptom is hot flashes which I seem to experience the most when I am in bed.
Best moment of the week: Folding new baby clothes and organizing the nursery.  
Movement: I have been feeling hiccups several times a day. Sometimes they feel so strong and last for several minutes. I guess it is a good sign that she is practicing using her lungs!
Food cravings: Frozen yogurt! YUM J
Food aversions: None
Labor signs: None
Belly button: Still not completely an outie but it looks really funny!
What I miss: I miss my energy!
What I am looking forward to: Meeting our baby. I just can’t wait!
On the to-do list: Purchasing a few more things we need for the arrival of our daughter.
Milestones: You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
Something funny/memorable from work: My advanced treble choir threw me a surprise baby shower! It was so fun. They brought cupcakes and had games prepared. They even bought the baby a few outfits. It was so sweet and thoughtful! I am going to miss those kiddos when I go on maternity leave. J